The Iris B. Vest SpiritCare Center is a non-profit, Christ-centered, independent, retirement living community nestled in the heart of the majestic Smoky Mountains in Sevierville, Tennessee. The SpiritCare Center was first known as the Iris B. Vest Widows Ministry Center. The vision was given to Mrs. Iris B. Vest, wife of Dr. Lamar Vest, at the time they were serving the Church of God as the General Overseer and Ladies Ministry President. She envisioned a way to assist the widows of Church of God ministers with a beautiful edifice built on the campus where the Church of God Children’s Home resided. In 2003, a dedication was conducted, and the Widows Center became a dream come true. Unfortunately, Sister Vest passed away before her dream was realized. Dr Vest and a host of others fulfilled Iris’ dream, and the facility is a remarkable place.
In 2014, the Widow’s Ministry Center went through transition and the name was changed to Iris B. Vest SpiritCare Center. The SpiritCare Center now accepts widows, widowers and retired ministerial couples. Currently, the SpiritCare Center houses thirty-three residents.
The blessing of God’s ordained dream has allowed others to serve as directors of the Widows Center – now SpiritCare Center and fulfill the Commission of caring for widows as instructed in James 1:27. Fortunately, the SpiritCare Center has wonderful, trained staff to help carry the load.
When the ministry at the SpiritCare Center began, a 24-hour security system was set in place for the residents. While the residents love the idea, it requires staff around the clock to maintain and be available in case of emergencies. The SpiritCare Center has twelve people on the roster which includes the executive director, director’s assistant, office assistant, maintenance supervisor, kitchen manager, kitchen assistant, second shift, night shift, weekend staff, and volunteer personnel. The volunteers think of their service to the Center as using their ministry gifts to help others. As is often stated: “No man is an island,” and that is very true at the Center. I could not be successful at what I do without the assistance of many others.
Shirley Whitley…our longest living resident, moved into the SpiritCare Center about three months after the dedication. She has been an active resident and survived the many changes of the previous six directors and now the present director, as well. Things change with each administration and often necessitate updated guidelines and fixes. The one fact that has remained constant…those who come to reside at the Center have an earnest desire to continue their service unto the Lord. Shirley celebrated residing twenty-years at the Center in 2023 and shares that her prayer would be she could just go to heaven from the Center.
Service unto the Lord
The SpiritCare Center has always incorporated chapel services in their weekly routine. Thursday mornings, 10:30 AM, the residents are right on time to hear the music and the Gospel. Many times, a resident will lead us in praise and worship; we have two or three pianists; and someone who loves to play the bass guitar. At each chapel service we have either a resident who loves to share the Word or a speaker from outside the building. We are blessed with unique services which spills over to the Sunday evening services which begin at 5:30 PM. Once a month, we have a movie night with popcorn and fellowship time. Recently, the group enjoyed watching The Forge; and though some had already seen it in at the theatre, they watched it again as though it was the first time.
At the beginning of my tenure, we had a tragic event happen at the SpiritCare Center. From the onset of that tragic event, two counselors from the Children’s Home became very involved with our residents. They reached out to them with loving arms and a listening ear. These two counselors continue to come to have lunch with us every week – for the purpose of checking on the residents and spending time listening to the stories. Their love and care manifested in the evolvement of GabFest. This one-hour session is conducted the first Wednesday of the month. All the residents are invited to attend and share from their heart. Deep relationships have developed from this ongoing ministry.
Lunch at the SpiritCare Center
Monday through Friday our kitchen staff prepares lunch for our residents. The menus are always delicious. While the food is important to their physical being, the spiritual food received from the praise and prayer time is just as necessary. This group loves coming together for the fellowship and time of giving thanks and asking their brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for their special needs. The praise reports gives encouragement to keep praying and believing.
Market Place
The Market Place was established by the first appointed director and team. They wanted to offer a place of blessing – a blessing to the residents and a blessing to all who donate to the Market Place. The food and personal items stocked in the Market Place supplement the food budget of the residents. The residents visit the Market Place once a week on Mondays with anticipation of what they will receive each week. Recently, because of the involvement of Naomi’s Circle, a widow’s ministry group from a church in Ohio, the leaders (Jerry & Barbara Rogers) purchased a refrigerator for the Market Place. Approximately four years ago, another church from Ohio purchased a freezer for the Market Place so that now we can offer more choices each week. God has been faith to provide for this ministry on a weekly basis. We currently have a church in Texas supplementing the Market Place monthly, and often, groups call, text or email asking what the needs of the Market Place are and how they can be of assistance. This is a great way for the Church to care for the residents of the SpiritCare Center.
Christmas in July & December
The hometown for the SpiritCare Center is a delight during the holiday season. Christmas begins early in preparation for all the tourists who will visit. In keeping with the tradition, the SpiritCare Center begins the thought process and planning in July and then brings those ideas to life at the beginning of November. When the decorating is completed, we stand in awe of the beautiful decorations that are scattered throughout the entire building. We can truly envision a winter wonderland without having to step outside the building. For the past two years, we have been extremely blessed by a gifted resident, Jane Fuscellaro, who gives God all the glory for the many ideas He allows her to bring to life in her radiant creations.
Buddy System
It is amazing to watch the camaraderie between the residents on a daily basis. Everyone takes note of who is not at lunch or chapel and then makes a phone call or sends a text message to make sure the individual is okay. They may readily ask, “Do you need anything? Can I do something for you? I just want to make sure you are okay.” They care about each other. This love for one another crosses the boundaries of the campus.
Children’s Home & SpiritCare Center
The relationship between the Smoky Mountain Children’s Home and the SpiritCare Center has been evident from the beginning. The “praying grandmothers” have loved and cared for the children and youth at the Children’s Home for many years. They have spent time together being tutors, prayer partners, influencers, and encouragers to those who lived at the Children’s Home. The one-on-one ministry changed during the terrible season of Covid but the prayers for those who work and live at the Children’s Home is still viable. They are our neighbors and the love of God is reciprocal for both entities.
Rocking Chair Ministry
I sometimes wonder what Iris Vest would think if she could see the happiness in the faces of the residents – both male and female – who just love sitting in the rockers on the front portico, listening to the birds or the traffic, sharing thoughts about their day, their stories or just enjoying the presence of the Lord while rocking. Another long-term resident of the Center recently passed away, Joanne Smith. She made it her mission to involve the Sevierville Community in the ministry of the Center. Joanne was responsible for acquiring the first two rockers from Cracker Barrel which have been repainted and are still used. Since then more have been acquired, but the love and care that is expressed while residents are rocking is remarkable. They truly make a difference in the people they meet and the people they call their brothers and sisters in Christ.
The dream / vision for the SpiritCare Center was given to someone who loved people, especially widows. Her dream was to have a beautiful place where widows could feel the warmth and love of the church community. She cared enough for God’s people that they did what Habakkuk 2:1-2 suggests: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay” (NIV). A talented architect designed a magnificent replica of what a mansion may look like in heaven. Someone else revealed the dream to people who would make extremely generous donations so the vision could be fulfilled. All through the threads of how this facility came to fruition has love for the widows and care for their future written in all the pages.
Dr. Pamela Kay Overbey serves as executive director of the SpiritCare Center. She is currently serving her second appointment by the Church of God Executive Committee since April 1, 2022. Prior to her current role, Dr. Overbey had the privilege to serve the church in administrative assistant positions for thirty-three years.