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A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Updated: Nov 7

During General Assembly, I ordinarily have a chance to visit Junior Talent to see some of our exceptional children participate in the activities. This year, however, time and schedules conflicted and did not afford me that opportunity. I did bump into a couple of Junior Talent winners quite unexpectedly. While attending the Credentialed Women’s meeting, I was thrilled when a little girl, Daisy Lindsey, age 7 from Alabama, was invited to share what she preached for the competition. Her message was, “One Small Stone” about David and Goliath. What a word! Everyone in the room was captivated. We learned Daisy had attended youth camp just a few weeks prior and accepted the call to preach! Later, I ran into another Junior Talent winner in Bible Teaching, Sims Owens, age 11 from South Carolina. Sims spoke on obedience and used the story of Jonah. He did an exceptional job communicating the Word in a unique way!

How many Church of God pastors and ministers have been called to preach while attending our youth camps? Students not only called to preach but called to other ministries as well. I must give a shout out to our State/Regional Youth Directors for the great camp season reports, and to the International Youth and Discipleship Department for providing Junior and Teen Talent platforms.

When I see these children and others like them, I feel something powerful is happening. It’s like when you know fresh rain is coming. The wind blows and carries the pleasant aroma of rain. Can you sense it? I believe God is raising this generation from the little ones on up to become a bold, anointed army for Him in this day, this culture. I believe they are being given extra boldness and desire to serve now! God is accelerating their calling in these last days.

They asked Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” “Yes,” Jesus replied. “Haven’t you ever read the scriptures? For they say, ‘You have taught children and infants to give you praise.” Matthew 21:16 NLT

Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of your enemies. That You may silence the enemy and the avenger. Psalm 8:2 NKJV

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17 NKJV

These are our Marys, Samuels, Miriams, Daniels, Esthers and Davids. Will you join me in praying for, encouraging, mentoring and making room for them to use their calling? I believe this is the generation intentionally and strategically ordained to usher in the greatest revival of souls in the history of the Church. These children are truly a mighty army for the Kingdom of God.

Lori Lewis is the International Women’s Ministries President for the Church of God. She has served on the International Women’s Ministries Advisory Board, State WM Director, International Girls Ministries Director, State GM Director and many other ministry roles. Her desire is to strengthen women as they embrace their gifts, calling and identity in Christ.

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Oct 07

I really enjoyed seeing the children use their gifts and talents at General Assembly in Indiana. Thank you for reminding us that we are investing in their future when we are teaching them in Sunday school and Kids church! They are watching us, as examples who are following Jesus! What a privilege! We will mentor and encourage their callings! God bless you and all your ministry. It was wonderful to see you at the Ohio Minister’s meeting this past week! Respectfully, Susan McBeath

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